Get more reviews

Plant a tree for every customer review - so busy customers don't forget to leave a review.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin commodo purus viverra aliquam suscipit euismod. Morbi orci non ultrices id turpis eget integer. Consequat, mollis vitae, feugiat at morbi duis egestas”.

Anna from Vodafone

Sell more
with customer trust

The best seller for your brand: trust. 86% of customers trust reviews like they trust a friend's recommendation. Boost your traffic, conversions and sales by getting more reviews.

Remind customers to leave a review on autopilot

Happy customers forget to leave reviews. Remind them - digitally and physically.

The green reminder in your emails

Remind customers to review your business directly from your email signature. Your CRM or any other platform you communicate with your customers.

Print templates

Remind customers to leave a review with review cards and other print products. Printed on sustainable materials.

All templates include your company name and QR codes. Get the PDFs for free or let us print it for you.

See templates

On your website

You can ask your customers for reviews on your website while showing them the trees you planted.

Create your own

Use the brand book with many graphic assets to create your own design.

Easy to leave a review

Some customers don't leave a review because they don't know where and how to leave a review. The review button on the review forest makes it really easy to leave review for your business.

Be found
by having reviews at
the right place

Not all reviews are equal. The platforms where customers review you have a great impact on the visibility and your ranking. Get reviews where they matter.

I want to be found on:

Other features

Plant a forest
Plant a forest for your company. ReviewForest connects you with reforestation projects worldwide.
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Show your eco-impact
Connect with customers and improve your brand's sustainability score.
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Ask for reviews
Reminding your customers to leave a review is key to getting more reviews. Use the review request templates to ask for reviews.
Learn more